Today I Choose Joy & Keep Calm

"Today I Choose Joy" & "Keep Calm" 

I did not pay much attention to their mask messages until I glanced at this picture tonight. Fitting for their personalities and a fitting message for those that are negative and spiteful about current events. 

At 11 and 7 they have not complained about wearing these things. Not once have they whined about any of this mess. From NTI to quarantine to masks to school uncertainty and so on, they have kept calm and found joy in all things. If ANYONE has a right to complain, it is our kids, and they have not. 

This is going to be printed and will be the way I, and I hope the girls, will remember the experience. 

**they are at the entrance of an amusement park. They wear these things on rollercoasters. Today was mild, but they have done it even in sweltering 90 degree complaints.**


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